Cartoon Blox Privacy Policy

At Cartoon Blox, we prioritize your privacy. Here's what you need to know:

1. Data Collection

We do not collect any personal information. While Google Analytics and Google Firebase Authentication may collect data, Cartoon Blox itself does not save or use this data.

2. Data Usage

We do not use or share any personal information collected by Google Analytics or Google Firebase Authentication. Your data is likely encrypted and secure within Google's systems.

3. Cookies and Local Storage

Cartoon Blox does not use cookies. We utilize local storage only for saving user settings like dark mode or sandbox preferences.

4. Privacy Concerns

If you have privacy concerns or questions, please contact Cartoon Blox at

5. Age Requirement

There is no specific age requirement for using Cartoon Blox. However, users under the age of 13 should have parental or guardian involvement, either by checking their account or actively supervising their usage.


This Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice. Please check for updates regularly.